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Freehold Borough School District

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NJSLA Test Design and Content Information

NJSLA-ELA Companion Guide Grades 3–8

As per the NJDOE: The New Jersey Student Learning Assessments for English Language Arts (NJSLA-ELA) measures student proficiency with grade level skills, knowledge, and concepts that are critical to college and career readiness. On each assessment, students read and analyze passages from authentic fiction and nonfiction texts. The test can also include multimedia stimuli such as video or audio. The NJSLA-ELA assessments emphasize the importance of close reading, synthesizing ideas within and across texts, determining the meaning of words and phrases in context, and writing effectively when using and/or analyzing sources.


NJSLA-Mathematics Companion Guide

As per the NJDOE: The New Jersey Student Learning Assessment for Mathematics (NJSLA-M) measures student proficiency with grade or course level skills, knowledge, practices, and concepts that are critical to college and career readiness. On each assessment, students will face a mixture of objective items assessing content and practice and constructed-response items requiring the application of grade or course appropriate reasoning and modeling.

NJSLA–Science Parent, Student, and Teacher Information Guide

• Parent and Teacher Information
• Student Information

Guía de información para padres, alumnos y maestros (en español)
• Información para padres y maestros
• Información para alumnos